The Euchre lunch last Wednesday was a blast! This definitely needs to be a weekly thing. This week we're doing it on Thursday and there's so much interest that I think we're going to be able to pull 8 players together and do a little mini tournament. How cool is that! Lunch for this Thursday is lasagna and garlic toast. Something that I just need to pull from the oven and serve without too much fuss so that I can concentrate on kicking ass at cards!! Bring it!
So, Thursday I had my radiation appointment in the morning and then had to go back to the hospital in the afternoon for a 1:00 with Dr. Miller. He said everything is healing up nicely. He asked if I had tried drinking anything through my mouth. I told him I had and about coughing stuff out my stoma. He took a look and said there is still a pinprick fistula (hole) between my throat and trach. He thinks it will be totally closed in another 2-3 weeks and asked me not to try drinking anything until then. He also looked at the nodule on my neck and called it a weird word. I asked what it meant and he said "a sac filled with fluid". I told him that Dr. Singh seemed pretty damned sure it was cancer. Dr. Miller said they really couldn't say that without a biopsy but he said based on how aggressive my cancer has been up until this point, he's okay with Dr. Singh's assessment. Better to be on the cautious side. Other than that, I think I'm officially done with Dr. Miller. I do not have any more appointments set up with him. I'll still need to see Nurse JoAnn when she gets back from vacay so that I can collect the trach covers she's having the volunteers make for me but otherwise, unless more surgery is needed somewhere down the road, my hottie, half glass full surgeon is out of the picture.
After my appointment I buzzed over to the FedEx offices and surprised my baby doll for lunch. We sat and played cards in his break room and I filled him in on all that the doc said. I was a little worried about popping in on him like that but I was in dire need of a hug. It was totally worth the trip, he lit up like a Christmas tree when he saw me outside his office window looking in. Yeah, a bit creepy stalker-ish, but whatever. Ha!
Friday I got my next food delivery. No sooner did they arrive to drop off, Toby showed up as well and I was making him some Chicken Mole for lunch. Normally I'm very anal about checking in what the driver drops off but I was distracted by food bubbling in the wok and making convo with Toby. I didn't discover until yesterday that the delivery slip I signed off on said they delivered all sorts of stuff that I did not recieve. WTF?? These people are CONSTANTLY screwing up! They delivered food (no clue if they delivered the amount they said they did but I've fallen a little behind on my eating so if they shorted me, I won't notice) and they delivered the gravity feed bags. They said they delivered syringes, PEG tubes, tape, and gauze pads. I didn't get any of that. I had to send an e-mail yesterday asking what the heck happened and can they bring me my stuff they shorted me. I still haven't received a response today. This company is supposedly located in Syracuse and has offices in 4 major cities. You would think they'd be professional and have a clue but I'm continuing to be really unimpressed with them. I would research who their competitors are but every time I mention to someone at Strong that I"m working with Upstate, they get all excited and say that's one of the better companies. I'd HATE to see a half assed company!!!
Saturday, my man and I headed to Liverpool to see Sam, Mark, and the kiddos. We had an awesome time! I made up trick or treat bags with all sorts of goodies in them. Sam and I then hid them and we made out a treasure hunt for the kids to follow again. They love doing those things although there's a ton of arguing along the way. I guess that's siblings for you though. No wooner did I walk in the door, Sam commented on the washcloth hanging out of my mouth. I guess it's one thing to read about stuff in my blog but it's a whole other thing to see it in person. She also thought the whole charades things that was happening off and on all day was a lot of fun. She's such a geek. :-)
The trip took its toll on me. I was in bed at 6:00 that night and I didn't get up until 9:00 am Sunday morning. That's a crapload of sleep! I've been doing that a lot. Sleeping that is. On the bright side, all that sleep gave me some banner energy yesterday. I spent 3 hours cleaning my house from top to bottom and then did a bunch of cooking and baking. Toby and his wife stopped by to say 'hi' and I made them dinner. Cheddar chicken, baby roasted potatoes, and steamed asparagus. We're now making a plan for them to come over on a week night to do dinner and cards with me and baby doll. He and I haven't interviewed any couple dates in a while so I'm looking forward to it!
Today sees me back at the hospital for a full day. After radiation I had to get fitted for a new mask for 3 different reasons. 1) I've lost some weight so my mask isn't fitting as snug as it should. 2) I mentioned I was trying to suck up the pain that the pressure on the back of my skull is causing but it made me cry on Friday so they re-fit me with a "cushion" under my head to see if it helps. 3) They wanted a new scan because they are, indeed, going to target the node on my neck. I'm now sitting here waiting to see a chemo nurse and at 12:30 I have my chemo treatment.
I brought 7 layer bars in for everyone today and have been handing them out like crazy. Receptionists, Dr. Mike, Dr. Singh, everyone gets some of the chocolately goodness in my bag. I also brought in a bag of yarn to donate to the ladies who make the lap blankets. Talk about coming in loaded for bear! All of that on top of my lary bag that I bring in with me on Mondays. Other days I leave it in the car but on Mondays, I liike it with me.
Okay, that catches you up on all that's been happening over here. Like I said, there's been a lot of sleep in between all this nonsense so my blogs are likely to be pretty damn boring for a while. Not that I" m complaining. I've had enough excitement to last me a lifetime at this point. :-)
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