Monday, September 17, 2012

September 17 - Saw my little Indian doc today, she's such a cutie. She was congratulating me all over the place, talking about how well I'm doing with my adventure. I told her I still have 6 more treatments to go and based on how I felt this past weekend and again today, I'm not sure I'm going to make it! Not feeling good at all. Nausea, flushed, and basically feeling like a cement truck hit me. She still felt I was doing admirably well. Then I got home a couple of hours ago and once again have decided that I hate being a girl. I want to be a boy! They don't have to deal with this pain in the ass crap every single month!!! No wonder I feel like absolute crud!!

Anywho, enough of the girly rant, needless to say, I'm not feeling good so I'm heading up to bed. Just to add to the depression of the moment, I was plucking my eyebrows this morning and found (3) gray ones. Who the hell gets gray hair in their eyebrows??

More to come later this week............

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