Tuesday, August 14, 2012

August 14 - First actual radiation appointment today. The place I'm going for the treatments is super close to work. We're talking like 5 minutes down 490 and I'm there. Was a little anxious today, left work at 11:15 and arrived for my 11:45 appointment at 11:25. No biggie, I have a cell phone and Kindle to entertain me while I wait. Walked in, scanned my little ID card and took a seat in the waiting room. Noticed some dude sitting in the waiting room looking my way but thought he might be admiring my new scars so I didn't make eye contact. I had barely pulled my cell phone out and dude got up and strolled over to me. It was the tech that had escorted me into the back yesterday. I guess he was hanging out waiting to pounce on his next vict....I mean patient. He took me right in. He said if I'm polite enough to show up early for my appointment then he's going to scoot me in ahead of the patient he was waiting for. Talk about service!

So, I put my oh so lovely, one of a kind, amazingly stylish hospital gown on and headed to the room that houses the 'beast'. Which looks a lot like the picture below. And for those of you wondering what the state of the art Silence of the Lambs mask looks like, I found a picture. Although the picture doesn't really portray the fact that the mask is a very hard plastic and it actually clamps to the table you're laying on in 6-8 places so that you can't move a muscle. VERY disconcerting although I did much better today than yesterday.

And blonde, female, Pollock that I am, it did not occur to me until I started to lie down on the table......is this going to hurt? Will I feel it? Is it going to burn? The answer to all of those questions is, nah. I saw some lights flashing even with my eyes closed and I heard the machine moving but other than that, I didn't feel a thing. One of the nurses yesterday was showing me my radiation chart and she told me they were going to be blasting me from 16 different angles. I'm going to count the little beepy alarms tomorrow and see if the beeps dictate the blast. It should help occupy my brain while the session is going on.

Meanwhile, on the property search front, I found MY piece of property still posted on a different website. So, I've sent a note to the realtor. Even if that piece of property is gone, I'm going to ask this chick if she can be my realtor and help me find my dream. The bucket list is once again active!

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