Monday, August 20, 2012

August 20 - Okay, still tired. I wake up a few times a night all dried out so I drink some water. Then, because I have the world's smallest bladder, I am up a couple of more times to use the facilities. This isn't going well. My cheapo POS humidifier doesn't seem to be doing a darned thing. I have a new one arriving tomorrow that has both hot and cold misters as well as two adjustable nozzles so you can point the mist wherever you want. We'll see if that does anything. Meanwhile I talked to the doc today. She pointed me in the direction of a moistening mouthwash called Biotene. Instead of gulping water, she said to try rinsing with this stuff instead. It's on my list to track it down tomorrow.

Meanwhile I'm so tired that I'll be in mid-sentence and totally blank on what I was saying. Or I won't remember what word I had wanted to use. It's driving me nuts!

On the bright side, my upper back/lower shoulders stopped aching. Stupid girl shoes. I should burn them all!

I finally sat down and read the literature that was sent home with me about radiation side effects. It was all repeats of what I knew except for one of the paragraphs. I guess my voice could go temporarily hoarse due to my vocal chords getting burned by the radiation. I'm supposed to stop talking if that happens. Man, the guys at work are going to LOVE that!

Meanwhile, another side effect was food starting to taste bad. Some people say it starts tasting like metal, others say it just tastes off. Well, I nuked up some of my homemade seafood bisque on Saturday and 3 bites in I had to dump it. It simply did not taste good at all. To be fair though, I'm not sure if that's the radiation or my cooking! Ha!

I forgot to put on a bandage or a 'sleeve' on my lovely arm scar yesterday after my shower and then I went out in public. I felt nekkid! Although I then thought that I should probably let it breathe for a couple of days so I didn't wear anything on it today either. Was hyper aware of it all day though so I'll probably be back to covering it up tomorrow.

I've decided that I should have hired myself a man-servant ages ago! Below is Jamie hard at work in the back yard.

I, of course, have the incredibly hard job of overseeing his activities......

That's all the update I have for now. I told the radiation techs that I think the country music they force me to listen to during my treatments is going to kill me long before cancer does! I am now allowed to bring a CD of music in with me that they will play. I'm off to burn some Rhianna, Carly Rae Jepson, Katy Perry, Kelly Clarkson.........

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