Sunday, July 8, 2012

July 8 - Part II - Today ended up being 300 times worse than I thought it would be. It's still not over either. The third IV line in my arm collapsed today. They will have to try for #4 but they're going to wait until one of their experts comes on shift at 11:00 tonight since it's mission impossible to find veins in me. Looks like I'll be missing sleep again. On the bright side, sounds like I may get food tomorrow!

Meanwhile, thank all that is good in the world that Patilda stopped to see me this afternoon. Sometimes all you really need is for someone to sit next to you, stroking your hair, and telling you that they love you while you bawl your head off. I love you, Patilda!

1 comment:

  1. You've been so gosh darn amazing through this whole nightmare! You have earned a big shiny gold star for bravery. And there will always be days when tears are needed to let all the bad and sad stuff flow out:) I'm glad I stopped in, too! And know that if you have another bad day I can be there in 90 minutes -- and that's why I need an update on you every single day! Love you, Catilda!
